Start-up Booking engine

You want to go online under your own domain name ?

Just like any OTA (online travel agent) enabling flight & hotel bookings for your clients… but you don’t have a large budget: here is the perfect solution for you!

Start your business with Start-Up Booking Engine in just a week!

Let your customers (B2B OR B2C) start booking immediately;

  • Flight Products including 900+ airlines, including low-cost carriers, covering 6,500+ airports
  • Hotels Products including 1,350,000+ accommodations worldwide

And you grow your revenue day-by-day!

Who is our Technology Products Good For?
Our products are developed for:

  • Classic retail travel agencies who want to grow
  • Travel agencies who have their own offline B2B distribution channel
  • Travel companies who serve their corporate clients offline
  • Travel agencies who want to start selling all destinations
  • Companies who desire to start selling to different markets

General Products Information
Our booking engine platforms consist of:

  • All VwayajPro travel products (real-time dynamic hotel inventory & flight content)
  • Booking engines for Hotels and Flights products
  • Back-office module with many functionalities:
    • Office B2B settings
    • CRM and marketing tools
    • Accounting tools (Cash receipts, sub-agency accounts, vouchers, credit definitions etc.)
    • Business Intelligence settings (Analytics etc.)
    • Pricing Module (pricing customization for different clients)
    • User Access Management tool
    • And many more functionalities
  • Front-end customization (web-design templates and related tools)
  • Bookings Tab (a separate platform where you can follow all existing bookings)

Extra Services
You may first start with one of our standard booking engine platforms and then customize your content with:

  • DMC Extranet
  • Tours & activities inventory
  • Holiday Packages inventory
  • Transfers inventory
  • Charter inventory
  • Channel manager access
  • Payment gateway provider

VwayajPro Market Place
Are you an incoming travel agency? Do you have your own directly contracted local travel products?

Did you know you can sell your products on our platform, accessible to 16,500+ travel agencies worldwide?

In addition, you can access global distribution channels through VwayajPro and you can exponentially extend your reach.

  • If you’re an IATA licensed travel company, you can sell your flight content to VwayajPro
  • If you are a strong DMC with your competitive local direct hotel contracts you are welcome on the VwayajPro marketplace
  • If you provide local transportation with your own vehicles then you can market it on VwayajPro
  • Is your company committed to selling your own holiday packages? Increase your sales on the VwayajPro marketplace and maximize your seat occupancy percentage this season.

Potential Upgrade
Hotel & flight booking numbers and the revenue of your company have been very good for a while and it’s time to grow:

Our tech team can provide you with extra modules like (Transfers booking engine – car rentals – Activities / Excursions - Bus tickets etc.)

VwayajPro team will upgrade it smoothly and seamlessly, from Start-Up Booking Engine to B2C or B2B Booking Engines.